Sunday, March 18, 2012

things for when mom and baby come home from the hospital

Before her baby was due last august, my friend emailed me and asked, 

"what are some items to have at home when mom and baby return from the hospital?" 

This is what I wrote back to her based on what I used most the first week or two at home. Since I am gathering these things for myself again this week, I thought I'd share with other moms-to-be. 

Ha, I didn't even think of anything for baby!  All you need for baby are diapers and swaddle blankets. I guess I'd have some burp cloths too. The baby is fine; here is what you need for yourself!

what to have when mom and baby come home from hospital

1. extra sheets for your bed 
You will be leaking as your milk comes in, and probably having night sweats getting rid of all that excess water you are carrying around, and you'll still have some bleeding. Its all sorts of bodily fluids coming out all at once. Unfortunate, I know. Sorry to scare you, but, it's what happens. Last thing you want to do is clean your sheets everyday. Just get an extra set or two. Seriously. This is the number one thing I wished I'd had coming home from the hospital, and it was not mentioned in a single pregnancy book, blog, website, pamphlet, etc. 

2. lanolin/nipple cream for the boobs
If you plan on or are thinking about breastfeeding, this is necessary for those first few days, possibly weeks. Put on after every nursing session, even if you are not chapped yet. Be preventative about this to avoid pain later. (note added: for more about my breastfeeding experience and unsolicited advice on the topic, click here

3. pads and pantyliners 
Regardless if you deliver vaginally or have a csection, you'll have some bleeding for up to 4-6 weeks post delivery. You will probably only need large pads for 5-7 days, and then pantyliners after that. If you ask your post-partum nurse nicely, she might send you home with the large hospital pads and lovely gauze undies for first few days at home! Remember, no tampons for 6 weeks post delivery. 

4. spanx 
I had something like thisanything that holds your tummy in with a little compression feels great. Your abdominal muscles are stretched to oblivion and your uterus takes a bit of time to shrink back down, so it just feels nice to have something snuggling you in. Gives you a little support. (They do sell these thick-velcro-abdominal-wrap-things specifically for post partum support, but they look and feel like a bulky back brace. Also, they seem itchy and hot, and only conducive to wearing a moo-moo over.) I think spanx are great. You'll use it more because its basically like underwear and easy to wear any shirt with it. I affectionately called it "ma girrrdle." (note added: I just bought this nursing tank with tummy control by Glamourmom and think it'll be a good addition to my tummy tucking undergarment repertoire. Austin moms: bought at Special Addition, highly recommend this store for all nursing needs)

Moms: What would you add to the list? 
What did you use most the first weeks home that no one told you you'd need?

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